
Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Best Store in the World

“Wow! This must be the best store in the world! Look at all the plants! Look at all the CATS! And today is my birthday…maybe they will give me a free cat! And a plant! This could go down in history as the best day of my life!!”

This Blythe doll is Mandy Cotton Candy, posing for “Histrionic” (overly dramatic) in Blythe a Day on Flickr. Her lovely dress, socks, balloons, and necklace were a birthday gift from my friend Angie Coppi, who made the beautiful necklace to match the outfit. I just love it all, thanks, Angie!

Friday, March 21, 2025

Fine Art

When the world-famous artist, Thomas DePorter, said he wanted to draw Cindy, she thought he was joking; after all, she is just an average Blythe. But the finished portrait, which is almost life-size, has just been delivered, and he had made her look like fine art!

This Blythe doll is Cinnamoroll, posing with the beautiful framed drawing we just received from Thomas DePorter. You are amazing, Thomas! Thank you so much!


Thursday, March 20, 2025


Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.

This is my newest Blythe doll, Silent Lucretia, in her stock outfit. With her dark green hair and edgy clothes, I think she is perfectly fabulous!

Monday, March 17, 2025

Wearing Green?

We’re wishing you a pot of gold,
And all the joy your heart can hold!

These Blythe dolls are Miss Sally Rice (left), Cream Cheese and Jam (right) and Melomelomew (Middie), joined by Wanda the Wonder Frog. Oddly enough, their pot of gold is a drinking cup! We found it at Target recently. The top screws off for filling or washing,  and there is a hole in the top center for the straw. The rainbow was a quick watercolor painting.

Sunday, March 16, 2025


Have a lucky day!

This Blythe doll is Prima Dolly Amaryllis, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with a plethora of props for “Plethora” (an abundance of something) in Blythe a Day on Flickr.

Friday, March 14, 2025


What could be more pleasant than the ineffable feeling of losing oneself in nature?

This Blythe doll is My Melody, posing for “Ineffable” (difficult to accurately describe) in Blythe a Day on Flickr.

Four Leaf Clover

Have you found any four leaf clovers lately?

This Blythe doll is Lady Panacea, wearing a dress I made. The clover is made from construction paper…I have a realistic-looking plastic one SOMEWHERE in my doll room, but where??