
Monday, September 2, 2024

The Joy of Living 9/2/24

“How good is man’s life, the mere living! How fit to employ all the heart and the soul and the senses forever in joy!” —Robert Browning

These Blythe dolls are Ice Rune, Nellie Nibbles, and Playful Raindrops. Nellie is holding a very well-loved (meaning: in rough condition) old doll that I recently found at the antique mall. At first I looked at her, laughed, and walked on. Then I thought she would be perfect as a doll for a Blythe doll, so I went back to get her. Today’s theme is “Sense or Sensibility”; I started with the quote from Browning (which contains the word “senses” so it does actually touch upon the theme), then I put together this picture to try to capture the joy of living.

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