
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Welcome, Sarah!

"I heard you were coming, so I baked a cake."

(Penny, my Cloud 9 Bowl, is the self-appointed head of the welcoming committee.)

Sarah Shades is here, and I love how colorful she is! Her bright, retro wardrobe really strikes a chord with me. She has two complete outfits, which is really awesome. The only thing she didn't come with was nice underwear...but I took care of that little problem right away!

Her hair was rather greasy and stringy when I took her out of the box, so I gave her a shampoo with Dawn Platinum dish soap, followed by a dunk in Downy fabric softener. Now her hair is curly and pretty.

I didn't notice it until I looked at the photo below, but her right eyeball is lower than her left one. Luckily, that sort of minor flaw doesn't bother me. 

All in all, she is a lovely doll and I'm happy to have her in my collection.